JavaScript – begginner questions

I have some difficulties with my first number guessing “game” in JavaScript. Can someone have a look and guide me what I did wrong? Started with that language not that long ago..

Function is assigned to one button

<input id="box;" class="btn" ; type="button" value="Guess" onClick="check()">Click to start !

User (player) have to press the button, guess the number (1-10) within 3 attemps and then play again or not. Every attemp I do it says “number is higher” but at the end result is random, even if you chose 10.

var hiddenNum;
var attemps;

hiddenNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10);
hiddenNum = hiddenNum + 1;
attemps = 0;

    function check(guess) {
        window.prompt("Please enter the number between 1 and 10", "10");

        if (hiddenNum == guess) {
            window.alert("Congratulations! You guessed correctly !");

            again = window.prompt("Would you like to try again? Enter Y or N.", "Y");

            if (again == "N" || again == "n") {
                window.alert("Thanks for trying. Goodbye.");
            } else {
                window.alert("The number has been randomized.");

        } else {
            attemps = attemps + 1;

            if (hiddenNum < guess) {
                result = "lower";
            } else {
                result = "higher";

            window.alert("Guess number " + attemps + " is incorrect. The number is " + result + ".");


        if (attemps >= 3) {
            window.alert("Sorry, you have run out of guesses! The number was " + hiddenNum);

            again = window.prompt("Would you like to try again? Enter Y or N.", "Y");

            if (again == "N" || again == "n") {
                window.alert("Thanks for trying. Goodbye.");
            } else {
                window.alert("The number has been randomized.");

