Having trouble with this drill: Find the most expensive item name [duplicate]

I’m supposed to find the most expensive item with a function and return the .itemName. I’m struggling to find what’s wrong the example of the array is :

let items = [
    itemName: "Effective Programming Habits",
    type: "book",
    price: 13.99
    itemName: "Creation 3005",
    type: "computer",
    price: 299.99
    itemName: "Finding Your Center",
    type: "book",
    price: 15.00
function mostExpensiveItemName(items){
  let highestPrice = 0;
  let expensiveItem ;
  for(let i = 0 ; i < items.length; i++){
   if (items[i].price > highestPrice) 
 highestPrice = items[i].price ; 
    expensiveItem = items[i].itemName;
  return expensiveItem;