Filter timestamp from sql database and extract as a list in python

I have an sql database from node red. The table of the database contains a column with javascript timestamps e.g. 1641154320892. Another column of the table contains temperature values. I’d like to select temperature values of a specific time period.

I tried the following code:

import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect('/home/ktm/Developing/test/home_automation.db')
print ("Opened database successfully")
conn.row_factory = lambda cursor, row: row[0]
c = conn.cursor()
ids = c.execute('SELECT Buero_temp FROM home_automation WHERE Zeitstempel BETWEEN '2022-01-05' AND '2022-01-07';').fetchall()
for i in ids:
    print (i)

Unfortunately, I get “SyntaxError: invalid syntax”

What am I doing wrong?