Find JSON values return as strings [duplicate]

I am trying to read the JSON data to find how many instances each trait_type’s value appears for each nth edition and send the value to the HTML table as a string with the trait_type value’s ID. The filter function currently returns 0 for each value.

var data = [
    edition: 1,
    attributes: [
        trait_type: "hair",
        value: "mullet"
        trait_type: "hat",
        value: "cap"
var mullet = data.filter(function (d) {
    return d.value === "mullet";
  cap = data.filter(function (d) {
    return d.value === "cap";

document.getElementById("mullet").innerText = mullet;
document.getElementById("cap").innerText = cap;
  <dd id="mullet"></dd>
  <dd id="cap"></dd>