I have a simple HTML & Bootstrap element initiation as follows:
<div class="container-fluid d-flex g-0 gap-3" id="map-div">
<div class="row-fluid d-flex g-0 justify-content-around" id="map-row">
<div class="d-flex g-0" id="map-col">
<svg id="map-svg"></svg>
In my JavaScript, under certain conditions I add a sibling to the map-col
as follows:
legend = d3.select("#map-row").insert("div")
.attr("id", "legend-col")
.attr("class", "g-0 fade-in shadow lh-sm")
.style("height", "80%")
.style("align-self", "center")
Is there a simple way (maybe with Bootstrap tags?) to animate the map-col
transition to its new location without explicit specification, akin to "data-mdb-animation": "slide-left"