Javascript – Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory

I am currently working on a project containing several functions from various files in my project. I exported them with :

module.exports.nomFonction= function{...}

I would like to compile everything in an index.js file that would call all these functions, here is where I am (rudimentary code that I am looking to improve):

var fs = require('fs');
const mt = require("./mainTweet"); // from mainTweet.js
const rp = require("./Reply"); // from Reply.js
const od = require("./getcsv"); // from Reply.js

 async function sendTweet(err, data) {
    if (err) {
    } else {
        await od.onDownload();
        await mt.mainTweet();
        await rp.Reply();


The first function onDownload (code below) allows to download a file each time it is updated. When I launch the sendTweet function, this error appears: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open ‘files/data.csv’. She works when i call it lonely but not in index.js, however i added a waiting time between the execution of the first and second function.getcsv.js (onDownload) :

const fetch = require('isomorphic-fetch');
const converterCsvToJson = require("csvtojson");
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');

// created a folder to store the downloaded files
const PATH_FOLDER_DOWNLOAD = path.join(__dirname, "./files");

if(!fs.existsSync(PATH_FOLDER_DOWNLOAD)) {
    // if the download folder does not exist we create it

async function onDownload() {
    // get the link of the last CSV file
    const response = await fetch('', {
        method: "GET"

    const data = await response.json();
    // console.log(data)

    const lastItem =[0];

    // check if the file is not already owned, using a hash to uniquely identify the data
    const integrity = 'data';

    // Using simple `fs.readdirSync` would give you filenames as well as directories.
    // This approach creates objects called `Dirent`s where you can check if the the entry is a file or a directory.
    // Then you can simply filter out the directories and get the filenames.
    const filenames = fs.readdirSync(PATH_FOLDER_DOWNLOAD, {withFileTypes: true, encoding: "utf-8"})
        .filter(dirent => dirent.isFile())
        .map(dirent =>;

    // Check if some of the filenames contains the integrity hash
    const exists = filenames.some(filename => filename.indexOf(integrity) !== -1);

    // we already have this file it has not been updated yet we give up the operation
    if(exists) {
        const {published} = lastItem;
        console.log(`operation cancelled, no file has been published since: ${published}`);

    } else {
        // we don't own this file we download it
        const urlCsvFile = lastItem.url;
        const response = await fetch(urlCsvFile, {method: "GET"});
        const csvContent = await response.text();

        // writes the new file to the download folder
        // using the hash as the file name, which will allow later to check if you already have it

            path.join(PATH_FOLDER_DOWNLOAD, (integrity + ".csv")),
            {encoding: "utf-8"}

        // the CSV file has been downloaded and saved in a file at: /download/{hash}.csv
        console.log('File downloaded!')

// onDownload();

So Im looking for a solution to correct this problem, i tried some tricks usings different docs but nothing works Good evening and thank you in advance for your help