How to prevent Nav Menue toggle from changing y position

I’m very new to WordPress and I’m experiencing a bug where the y position of the page gets updated involuntarily.

I’m using a floating menu but each time I toggle the Nav menu it resets my view to the top of the page (not very useful for links that point to a specific position on the page that are stored within the nav menu).

The element in question

<button type="button" class="navbar-toggle">
    <span class="screen-reader-text"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Toggle sidebar &amp; navigation</font></font></span>
    <span class="icon-bar"></span>
    <span class="icon-bar"></span>
    <span class="icon-bar"></span>

After some research the closest I’ve been able to identify what is causing this issue is the line of code e(document.body).toggleClass("side-nav-open") in scripts.min.js?ver=1.6.0

function s() {
    e(document.body).toggleClass("side-nav-open").addClass("side-nav-transitioning"); <-----
    const t = e("#slider").data("flexslider");
    t && (e(document.body).hasClass("side-nav-open") ? (i = t.playing,
    t.playing && t.pause()) : i &&;
    let s = !1;
    e(".site").one("transitionend", function() {
        s = !0
    setTimeout(function() {
        s || e(document.body).removeClass("side-nav-transitioning"),
    }, 230)
e(".navbar-toggle, .side-nav-overlay").on("click touchend", function() {
    e(document.body).hasClass("side-nav-transitioning") || (s(),
    e(document.body).hasClass("side-nav-open") ? n.width() <= 640 ? t.find(".side-nav__close-button > button").focus() : t.find(" ul li:first-child").focus() : t.find(".header-navigation-wrapper button.navbar-toggle").focus(),

using break points I was able to stop at the line e(document.body).toggleClass("side-nav-open").addClass("side-nav-transitioning"); and executing e(document.body).toggleClass("side-nav-open") in the console I saw my page jump to the top.

I’m hoping someone could help me complete my research and identify why my page no longer stays put when the navigation menu is clicked. Since I very rarely work on WordPress I’m not sure what info would be pertinent and what information would be noise, please post in the comments the data that would be most beneficial to trouble shoot this issue.

The current active theme is Inspiro version 1.6