Need help transforming GraphQL results

A returned schema looks like the following:

    data: {
        posts: {
            edges: [
                    post: {
                        id: ‘1’,
                        title: ‘Foo’
                    post: {
                        id: ‘2’,
                        title: ‘Bar’

This works and I can use it, but I’m having to create nested interfaces unfortunately.

Question: Can I either simplify the returned results OR transform them with JavaScript map()?

Ideally, I’d like for the GQL response (or resulting object) to be like:

    data: {
        posts: [
            post: {
                id: ‘1’,
                title: ‘Foo’
            post: {
                id: ‘2’,
                title: ‘Bar’

Note: I do not have the ability to update the server-side GraphQL schema. The solution must be client/consumer side.
