ExpressJS: Best way to separate routes and accepting params?

I made a Express.js system where the files in the /routes folder are acting as a classic route (but with one file per route)

Example: /routes/get/user.js will be accessible with http://localhost:8080/user (the /get is to separate methods, it can be /post, /put…)

Here’s my entire index.js file:

But actually, my problem is that I can’t pass params into the url like https://localhost:8080/user/random_id_here.

With this system, I think the best idea is to find a way to pass params on separated files too, but I don’t know how can it be done…

Here’s an example of one of my separated file:

module.exports = class NameAPI {
    constructor(client) {
        this.client = client

    async run(req, res) {
        // Code here

Maybe you’ll have a better system, or a solution for this. Thanks.