Vue JS lodash findKey nested object with dot notation returns undefined

I’m trying to pull out a value for a nested object key from some eligibility array that I’ve got, but I’m getting an undefined value for some reason and need to know what I’m missing.

Given the following array:

const eligibilityCriteria = [
  { field: 'loan.amount', operator: '>=', value: 1000 },
  { field: 'loan.term', operator: '>=', value: 1 },
  { field: 'applicant.birthday', operator: '>=', value: 40 },
  { field: 'applicant.isHomeowner', operator: '==', value: false }

I need to find loan.amount from a nested object and pull out it’s value:

My big nested object is (coming from the store)

application: {
  meta: {
    brand: '',
    version: '',
    affiliate: '',
    affiliate_full: '',
    campaign: '',
    client_hostname: '',
    client_href: '',
    client_origin: '',
    client_useragent: '',
    client_ip: '',
    icicle_hash: ''
  loan: {
    amount: 500,
    term: null,
    purpose: null

My function right now is:

checkEligibility () {
  const eligibilityCriteria = [
    { field: 'loan.amount', operator: '>=', value: 1000 },
    { field: 'loan.term', operator: '>=', value: 1 },
    { field: 'applicant.birthday', operator: '>=', value: 40 },
    { field: 'applicant.isHomeowner', operator: '==', value: false }

  for (const [index, offer] of this.datasets.offers.entries()) {
    const eligibility = eligibilityCriteria

    if (eligibility) {
      for (const [ci, criteria] of eligibility.entries()) {

        // TODO: this fails to pull the value, returns undefined
        const field = _.findKey(this.$store.state.application.application, criteria.field)

What am I missing?