Use variable in ejs script tag

I want to use variable (or variables) in ejs file in the script tag ,I also want to pass the rendered file to a function for taking screenshot from ejs file.

But now I have 2 problems :

1.I don’t know how to pass the variable in server file to the ejs file and render and use it without app.get… (in express) because it’s server side and I want to use html file.

2.I don’t know how to use variable in ejs file in the script tag

these are my files :


<div id="tvchart"><% symbol %></div>

//some codes 
 var symbolD =<%= symbol %>;


// set the view engine to ejs
app.set("view engine", "ejs");
const symbol = "EGLDUSDT"

const file = ejs.render("./index.ejs" , symbol);

So Why my ejs and server file doesn’t work?