Passing numeric data containing django to javascript

am having a problem with char inside numeric data, it’s too large to be cleaned. anyways.
I want to replace < and > from value.
just posting relevant codes.

def search_result(request):
    if request.method == "POST":
        ChemSearched = request.POST.get('ChemSearched')
        tarname = BINDLL.objects.filter(targetnameassignedbycuratorordatasource__contains=ChemSearched).exclude(ki_nm__isnull=True)[:120]
        return render(request, 'Search/search_result.html',{'ChemSearched':ChemSearched,'tarname':tarname})

Html side

     data=[{% for Bindll in tarname %} {
                group: '{{ Bindll.targetnameassignedbycuratorordatasource }}',
                     variable:'{{ Bindll.zincidofligand}}',
                     value: {{Bindll.ki_nm|safe}}
                    }, {% endfor %}];

which is used by graph d3.js.
all go well unless I have ‘<‘ or ‘>’ in value I’ll have this result

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ‘>’
or if use escape value: {{Bindll.ki_nm|escape}}
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ‘&lt’
any function to be used in Html side javascript to replace char or anything and keep only numeric like regex replace.