how to add cells to specific column in html

i added into table using .append in jquery and i need to add last colum with its cells

OR i need to add linkes into “PDF Files Link” column

<table class="table">

      <th scope="col">thumbnails</th>
      <th scope="col">Title</th>
      <th scope="col">authr</th>
      <th scope="col">PDF Files link</th>
  <tbody id="employee_table">


and this my jquery code

    var videode='<tr><td><div class="video vidEle" style="width:42%;height:108px;" data-id="'+vid_id+'" ><a href="#top"><img class="v-img" style="width:79%;height:92px;" src="'+vid_thumb+'"/><i class="play-btn fa fa-play" style"top:72% !important"></i></a></div></td><td><div class=""data-id="'+vid_id+'" ><a href="#top"><div class="v-title">'+vid_title+'</div></a></div></td><td><p>'+channelTitle+'</p></td></tr>'

finally need to add linkes into “PDF Files Link” column