I need to display this data to the table after searching can anyone have idea how to create it and thanks for helping

**I need to display this data to the table after searching can anyone have idea how to create it and thanks for helping

$("#search-name").keyup(function () {
            let nameKeyword = $("#search-name").val();
                .orderBy("name", "asc")
                .startAt(nameKeyword).endAt(nameKeyword + "uf8ff")
                .then((querySnapshot) => {
                    querySnapshot.forEach((doc) => {
                        console.log(doc.id, ' => ', doc.data());

i get the result in console correctly so , i want to appear it in
the table as shown in the image

**also, i try: but it failed**
 $("#search-name").keyup(function () {
            $('#employee-table tbody').html('');
            let nameKeyword = $("#search-name").val();
                .orderBy('name', 'asc')
                .endAt(nameKeyword + "uf8ff")
                .then(function (documentSnapshots) {
                        .forEach(doc => {
image link [https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70538869/i-need-to-display-this-data-to-the-table-after-searching-can-anyone-have-idea-ho][1]