Want to trigger an adding score adding effect in JS

I want to make a trigger an adding score effect when user’s score changing.

Here is the code I currently have:

let speed = 200;
let div = document.querySelector('div')
let olddiv = parseFloat(div.textContent)
let interval;
function change(increase){
   let add = increase/speed

   interval = setInterval(function(){
    div.textContent = parseFloat(div.textContent) +add;
    if(div.textContent > olddiv + increase){
        div.textContent = olddiv+ increase

The code works fine but I add 25 (increase/speed value) per milliseconds.

I want to make the score adding 1 every times. I tried to use for loop, but for loop will not shows the adding effect.

Also, since the setInterval doesn’t accept milliseconds lower than 1, I can’t use this code as well (this code will execute 1 ms every time which is too slow.

   let speed = 200;
    let div = document.querySelector('div')
    let olddiv = parseFloat(div.textContent)
    let interval;
    function change(increase){
       let addspeed = speed/increase;
       interval = setInterval(function(){
        div.textContent = parseFloat(div.textContent) +1;
        if(div.textContent > olddiv + increase){
            div.textContent = olddiv+ increase

Could anyone give me any solution of solving this problem?

Thanks for any responds!