How to use placeholderData in react-query?

I’m using react-query to wrap API calls, I’ve added placeholderData to don’t get undefined during react-query is calling the API, but I use Query Object instead adding arguments directly in useQuery():

export const FetchListObj = (pageOptions) => ({
  queryKey: ['FetchList', pageOptions],
  queryFn: () => fetchListAPI(pageOptions),
  placeholderData: {
    content: [],
    totalElements: null

then I use object like this:

const { data, error, isLoading } = useQuery(FetchListObj(pageOptions));

it’s really strange ! because I get undefined before data fetching then the returns fetched data…

Is there any way to solve data = undefined in my component? or I have wrong to add placeholderData in my query configs?