dotted background with pure html/css

I need to style element background with dots like in the picture. Tried a lot of from the web but I need exactly like in the pictre

enter image description here

I don’t understand all things connected to the linear-gradient found smth like “background-blend”, “radial-gradinet” but I can’t get exactly what I want.

            linear-gradient( /* background color fading left to right , to blend with every others gradient bg */
                    to left,
            repeating-linear-gradient( /* horizontal white lines hidding a row of dots */
                    to bottom,
                    transparent 0,
                    transparent 32px,
                    white 32px,
                    white 40px,
                    transparent 40px
            repeating-linear-gradient( /* vertical lines hidding a col of dots */
                    to right,
                    transparent 0,
                    transparent 32px,
                    white 32px,
                    white 40px,
                    transparent 40px
            radial-gradient( /* dot repeated via background-size */
                    circle at 5px 5px,
                    #2f4e79 1px,
                    transparent 2px,
                    transparent 8px
            0 0 / 8px 8px;

            multiply, /* only blend the first layer to keep dots hidden */