How to stop running async function on node.js from react application?

React app can run node.js function which preparing data and sending information to the database in batches.
It takes a lot of time and I would like to add the ability to stop this function right from react app.

I tried a lot of things to include in this function including:

  • while loop: added the variable outside the function – if ‘true’ – run code, if not – return – it just doesn’t work (variable was changed from react using socket.IO)

  • setTimeout (also setInterval), triger clearTimeout function from react: this doesn’t work as setTimeout and setInterval doesn’t work in async function

after that:

  • made (actually fond here on stackoverflow) new function to promisify setTimeout to be able to use in async function:
const setTimeout2 = (callback, ms) => {
  return new Promise(
    resolve =>
      (to = setTimeout(() => {
      }, ms))
async function addOrdersToDB(limit) {
  do {
    await setTimeout2(async () => {
      try {
        // some code here
      } catch (err) {
    }, 400);
  } while (latestOrderExist);
function clearTO() {
  setTimeout(() => {
  }, 3000);

This for some reason doesn’t iterate.

Is there solution for this?