How to compare 2 nested json objects arrays Javascript

I am trying to compare 2 nested json objects arrays using lodash. Following example will return true even obj1 and obj2 have different number of objects inside the array.
Basically what I need to do is compare these 2 nested json objects arrays and if the arrays are identical then needs to return true else false

note : obj1 has price element and obj2 has countInStock which should not use to compare

Can anyone help me to solve this?

import _ from "lodash"

var obj1 = [{
    "colour": {
        "value": "Black",
        "label": "Black"
    "size": {
        "value": "M",
        "label": "M"
    "price": "70"
    "colour": {
        "value": "Black",
        "label": "Black"
    "size": {
        "value": "M",
        "label": "M"
    "price": "70"
    "colour": {
        "value": "Silver",
        "label": "Silver"
    "size": {
        "value": "S",
        "label": "S"
    "price": "50"
    "colour": {
        "value": "Black",
        "label": "Black"
    "size": {
        "value": "L",
        "label": "L"
    "price": "130"

var obj2 = [{
    "colour": {
        "value": "Silver",
        "label": "Silver"
    "size": {
        "value": "S",
        "label": "S"
    "countInStock": "3"
    "colour": {
        "value": "Black",
        "label": "Black"
    "size": {
        "value": "M",
        "label": "M"
    "countInStock": "10"
    "colour": {
        "value": "Black",
        "label": "Black"
    "size": {
        "value": "L",
        "label": "L"
    "countInStock": "3"

var result = _.isEqual(
  _.omit(obj1.sort, ['countInStock']),
  _.omit(obj2.sort, ['price'])

console.log(result); // true