Code review request: Finding duplicates in array of objects with javascript

Hope everyone is having a good Christmas.

First of all, this is working code in a production environment.

I recently wrote some code for work.

The goal is to find users that contain more than one role. On the frontend, if a user has more than one role, the person using the program will see a message suggesting that they remove one of these roles.

Here is the code that I wrote. Mind you, I have changed some of the values so that anything sensitive is removed:

usersWithMultipleRoles() {
       * Make a flat map of all the users from each role.
       * Each entry is an object with a roleId
      const users = this.roles.flatMap(r => {
        return => {
          return { roleId:, user: value }

       * Use reduce to create an array of objects.
       * Each object is keyed by the user's ID,
       * and its value is the roles that each user is in.
      const lookup = users.reduce((acc, value) => {
        acc[] = acc[] || []
        return acc
      }, [])

       * Finally, return an array of users that have
       * multiple roles.
      const usersWithManyRoles = []

      lookup.forEach((value, key) => {
        if (value.length > 1) {
            userId: key,
            userInfo: users.find(value => === key).user,
            roles: value,

      return usersWithManyRoles

The following is what I would expect if a user has more than one role assigned.

    userId: 127,
    userInfo: { User Object },
    roles: [2, 6],


Just so you know, there is nothing wrong with this code. It returns exactly what I’m looking for.

What I would change

The only thing I can think about changing is the structure of the response from the first mapping function, the flatMap function.

My question to you

How would you write this function? How can I improve it? And what should I read to make better functions in the future?

A bit about me

Ignore if you want, this is just to give you background about why my knowledge isn’t the best, and I’m sure the above question is simple for a lot of you XD

I’m a 39 y/o self-taught software developer. I’ve been working in the industry for about 3 years now ( about 1 1/2 years in a geospatial company, and now almost two years in a health care company from Tokyo ). So I’m not the smartest dude on the block, and I learn slow but I’m learning.

I want to get better at what I do so that I can potentially find more remote work in the future, and hopefully secure a more stable future for my wife and I. Currently getting pretty confident with my frontend skills, and learning some php / Laravel in the backend for the company I work with currently.

Although I still feel like a total imposter when I compare myself to my boss, who has a Masters in computer science and has taught me a lot about programming. Forever grateful to this guy.