What is this and who’s doing it!? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance [closed]

language=’javascript’ type=’text/javascript’> (function() { // Establish the root mraidbridge object. var mraidbridge = window.mraidbridge = {}; // Listeners for bridge events. var listeners = {}; // Queue to track pending calls to the native SDK. var nativeCallQueue = []; // Whether a native call is currently in progress. var nativeCallInFlight = false; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// mraidbridge.windowLoaded = false; window.addEventListener(‘load’, function(e) { mraidbridge.windowLoaded = true }); mraidbridge.fireReadyEvent = function() { mraidbridge.fireEvent(‘ready’); }; mraidbridge.fireChangeEvent = function(properties) { mraidbridge.fireEvent(‘change’, properties); }; mraidbridge.fireErrorEvent = function(message, action) { mraidbridge.fireEvent(‘error’, message, action); }; mraidbridge.fireEvent = function(type) { console.log(“mraidBridge: firing event of type: ” + type); var ls = listeners[type]; if (ls) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); args.shift(); var l = ls.length; for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { ls[i].apply(null, args); } } }; mraidbridge.nativeCallComplete = function(command) { console.log(“native Call complete: ” + command); if (nativeCallQueue.length === 0) { nativeCallInFlight = false; return; } var nextCall = nativeCallQueue.pop(); window.location = nextCall; }; mraidbridge.executeNativeCall = function(command) { if (!mraidbridge.windowLoaded) { console.log(“rejecting native call, window onload has not been invoked”); return; } var call = ‘mraid://’ + command; var key, value; var isFirstArgument = true; for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i += 2) { key = arguments[i]; value = arguments[i + 1]; if (value === null) continue; if (isFirstArgument) { call += ‘?’; isFirstArgument = false; } else { call += ‘&’; } call += encodeURIComponent(key) + ‘=’ + encodeURIComponent(value); } if (nativeCallInFlight) { nativeCallQueue.push(call); } else { nativeCallInFlight = true; window.location = call; } }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// mraidbridge.addEventListener = function(event, listener) { var eventListeners; listeners[event] = listeners[event] || []; eventListeners = listeners[event]; for (var l in eventListeners) { // LoadListener already registered, so no need to add it. if (listener === l) return; } eventListeners.push(listener); }; mraidbridge.removeEventListener = function(event, listener) { if (listeners.hasOwnProperty(event)) { var eventListeners = listeners[event]; if (eventListeners) { var idx = eventListeners.indexOf(listener); if (idx !== -1) { eventListeners.splice(idx, 1); } } } }; }()); (function() { var mraid = window.mraid = {}; var bridge = window.mraidbridge; // Constants. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var VERSION = mraid.VERSION = ‘2.0’; var STATES = mraid.STATES = { LOADING: ‘loading’, // Initial state. DEFAULT: ‘default’, EXPANDED: ‘expanded’, HIDDEN: ‘hidden’, RESIZED: ‘resized’ }; var EVENTS = mraid.EVENTS = { ERROR: ‘error’, INFO: ‘info’, READY: ‘ready’, STATECHANGE: ‘stateChange’, VIEWABLECHANGE: ‘viewableChange’, SIZECHANGE: ‘sizeChange’ }; var PLACEMENT_TYPES = mraid.PLACEMENT_TYPES = { UNKNOWN: ‘unknown’, INLINE: ‘inline’, INTERSTITIAL: ‘interstitial’ }; // External MRAID state: may be directly or indirectly modified by the ad JS. //////////////////// // Properties which define the behavior of an expandable ad. var expandProperties = { width: -1, height: -1, useCustomClose: false, isModal: true, lockOrientation: false }; var hasSetCustomSize = false; var hasSetCreativeSize = false; var hasSetCreativeOffset = false; var hasSetCustomClose = false; var listeners = {}; // Internal MRAID state. Modified by the native SDK. ///////////////////////////////////////////// var state = STATES.LOADING; var isViewable = false; var screenSize = { width: -1, height: -1 }; var maxSize = { width: -1, height: -1 }; var adSize = { width: -1, height: -1 }; var currentPosition = { x:0, y:0, width:0, height:0 }; var mraidDefaultPosition = { x:0, y:0, width:0, height:0 }; // Properties which define the behavior of an resized ad. var resizeProperties = { width:-1, height:-1, customClosePosition:’top-right’,