Insert text by its index in javascript

So I wrote a code where there are 5 true/false questions and after clicking on the check button, the program shows whether your answer was in/correct by making the question box red or green and displays your score.

But after the click, it should also display each justification below the true/false buttons which is in questions as justif. I have written <p id = "just${(index+1)}"></p> so that I can display justifications by index easily, but I don’t quite get how to do so

I have tried with getElementById and insertAdjacentHTML but no luck, can somebody tell me how to write that part of the code?

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="fr">

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
    let questions = [{
      "quest": "'Visibility' is CSS property that specifies the transparency",
      "ans": false,
      "justif": "'Opacity' is used to specify the transparency of an element whereas 'visibility' specifies if element is visible "
    }, {
      "quest": "HTML elements can have 'id' and 'class' at the same time",
      "ans": true,
      "justif": "Any HTML element can have both of them together"
    }, {
      "quest": "DIV technically stands for Container",
      "ans": false,
      "justif": "DIV stands for Division"
    }, {
      "quest": "Padding can be negative",
      "ans": false,
      "justif": "Values for padding values can only be positive or zero"
    }, {
      "quest": "'text-shadow' is the CSS property which adds shadows to the text",
      "ans": true,
      "justif": "The CSS 'text-shadow' is used to add shadows to the text"

  <section id="main">

  <p id="score"></p>
  <button type="button" onclick="checkAnswers()"><b>Check</b></button>
    let i = 1;
    questions.forEach(function(item, index) {
      let HTMLcode = `<form id="id${(index+1)}">
            <input type="radio" name = "q${(index+1)}" id="q${(index+1)}t" value="1">
            <label class = "true" for="q${(index+1)}t">True</label>
            <input type="radio" name = "q${(index+1)}" id="q${(index+1)}f" value="0">
            <label class = "false" for="q${(index+1)}f">False</label>
            <p id = "just${(index+1)}"></p>
      document.getElementById('main').insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', HTMLcode);

    function checkAnswers() {
      let correctAnswered = 0;
      document.querySelectorAll('input[type="radio"]:checked').forEach(function(radio) {
        let radioId = parseInt(;
        let userAnswer =;
        let questionAnswer = questions[radioId - 1].ans;
        let p = document.getElementById("id" + radioId);
        if (userAnswer == 't' && questionAnswer == true ||
          userAnswer == 'f' && questionAnswer == false) {
 = 'rgba(34, 172, 0, 0.789)';
        } else {
 = 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.789)';
      let score = document.getElementById("score");
      score.textContent = "Your Score is " + correctAnswered + " out of 5";
