How do I automatically add a slug to my url in nodejs

I’m having templating issues.

I’m working on an online store and I’m using my json file, which has all the details about a product, to generate cards for each product.
Because I have a lot of products, creating a page for each product is out of the question so I also have a template page to show more details on a product.
What I want is that whenever I click on a product card, it takes me to the template product page then replaces the dummy data with the data for the product. I also want to make the url for the template page /product/product-slug but when i use this method, I’m unable to change the dummy data.

I eventually found a way to change the dummy data but the only way I could do it was by using the query id to find the data so the url looks like /product?id=productId instead and I really don’t know how to work around it. I can’t leave it like this because as I said before, I have a lot of products.

Here’s my js code

const fs = require('fs')
const url = require('url')
const express = require('express');
const app = express();

app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));
app.set('view engine', 'ejs');

const replaceTemplate = (temp, product) =>{
    let output = temp.replace(/{%NAME%}/g,;
    output = output.replace(/{%ID%}/g,;
    output = output.replace(/{%FIRST%}/g, product.image.primary);
    output = output.replace(/{%SECOND%}/g, product.image.secondary);
    output = output.replace(/{%SLUG%}/g, product.slug);
    output = output.replace(/{%PRICE%}/g, product.price);
    output = output.replace(/{%M1NAME%}/g,;
    // output = output.replace(/{%M2NAME%}/g,;
    output = output.replace(/{%M1IMG%}/g, product.materials.material1.img);
    // output = output.replace(/{%M2IMG%}/g, product.materials.material2.img);

    return output;

const earrings = fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/views/earrings.html`,'utf-8');
const product = fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/templates/product.html`,'utf-8');

const tempCard = fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/templates/stud-cards.html`,'utf-8');

const data = fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/dev-data/earrings/studs.json`,'utf-8');
const dataObj = JSON.parse(data);

app.get('/product', (req, res) => {
    const { query, pathname } = url.parse(req.url, true)
    // // // const prod = url.parse(req.url, `http://${}`)
    // // // const prod = dataObj[]
    // // // const output = replaceTemplate(product, prod);
    // // console.log(req.params.slug)
    // // res.end(product);
    // res.render('product', {pro: req.params.slug});

    res.writeHead(200, {'Content-type': 'text/html'});
    const prod = dataObj[];
    const output = replaceTemplate(product, prod);



console.log('Now the server is running in url:');

And this is what my json file looks like

        "id": 0,
        "name":"Amethyst Flat Sphere Studs",
            "primary": "../img/products/earrings/studs/Amethyst Flat Sphere Studs/0_BirthstoneSphereStud_AmethystSphereStuds_February_YG_Hero.jpg",
            "secondary": "../img/products/earrings/studs/Amethyst Flat Sphere Studs/2_BirthstoneSphereStud_AmethystSphereStuds_February_YG_Hero_Stacked_1.jpg"
                "name": "14k Yellow Gold, Amethyst",
                "img": "../img/products/color/Amethyst.png"
        "id": 1,
        "name":"Aquamarine Flat Sphere Studs",
            "primary": "../img/products/earrings/studs/Aquamarine Flat Sphere Studs/0_BirthstoneSphereStud_AquamarineSphereStuds_March_YG_Hero.jpg",
            "secondary": "../img/products/earrings/studs/Aquamarine Flat Sphere Studs/1_BirthstoneSphereStud_AquamarineSphereStuds_March_YG_Hero_Stacked_1.jpg"
                "name": "14k Yellow Gold, Aquamarine",
                "img": "../img/products/color/Aquamarine.png"

please tell me about any improvements you think I should make to my questions. don’t vote me down please