Modified Object.assign in typescript

I am trying to create a “assign default” function in typescript, where it loops through the keys of the source, and if that value by the same key is nullish in the target, it will use the value from the source instead. Here’s my attempt:

const assignDefault = <T, U>(target: T, source: U): T & U => {
  Object.keys(source).forEach(key => {
    // typecasted as Object.keys returns string[]
    const prop = target[key as keyof T]
    if (typeof prop === 'undefined' || typeof prop === 'null') {
      // Error: Type 'U[keyof U]' is not assignable to type 'T[keyof T]'.
      target[key as keyof T] = source[key as keyof U] 
  return target // Error: Type 'T' is not assignable to type 'T & U'.

I borrowed the generics from how Object.assign is typed in typescript: ObjectConstructor.assign<T, U>(target: T, source: U): T & U; But I couldn’t find a way to get around these errors.