In Javascript, can a closure share scope with a function return value?

JS n00b here, I’m trying to understand this unexplained code from Eloquent Javascript :

function trackKeys(keys) {
  let down = Object.create(null);
  function track(event) {
    if (keys.includes(event.key)) {
      down[event.key] = event.type == "keydown";
  window.addEventListener("keydown", track);
  window.addEventListener("keyup", track);
  return down;

var arrowKeys =
  trackKeys(["ArrowLeft", "ArrowRight", "ArrowUp"]);

I think I understand how the inner function track will maintain a reference to down and keys because it is a closure, but I’m lost at return down;

Will that return value be a reference to the exact same down the callbacks are accessing? I don’t understand; I thought local variables could only be accessed by inner functions?

Follow-up: what if down were a primitive data type and not an object, would this still work?
