Decreasing the complexity of the JS algorithm for creating slots based on days of the week

Trying to generate slots in future based on availableTimes, slots are nothing but they have start time and end time based on slotSize and startTime

Example data:

  TUESDAY: [{ dayOfTheWeek: "TUESDAY", start: 8, end: 10 }],
daysInFuture: 1,
timeZone: "Australia/Melbourne",
slotSizeInMinutes: 60,
timeStamp: 1640041590364

Based on this availableTime Data and considering current date is


it should return

      ref: "2021-12-21T08:00:00.000+11:00",
      startTime: "2021-12-21T08:00:00.000+11:00",
      endTime: "2021-12-21T09:00:00.000+11:00",
      available: true,
      ref: "2021-12-21T09:00:00.000+11:00",
      startTime: "2021-12-21T09:00:00.000+11:00",
      endTime: "2021-12-21T10:00:00.000+11:00",
      available: true,

which is working as expected, I just want to decrease the complexity of the function.

function generateTimeSlots(
  availableTimes: {
    [x: string]: MenuAvailability[];
  daysInFuture: number,
  timeZone: string,
  slotSizeInMinutes: number,
  timeStamp: number
): orders.TimeSlot[] {
  const timeSlots = [];

  for (let j = 0; j <= daysInFuture; j++) {
    let currentDate = DateTime.fromMillis(timeStamp)
      .plus({ days: j });

    const currentDay = currentDate.weekdayLong.toUpperCase() as DayOfTheWeek;
    const slotsForTheDay = availableTimes[currentDay] ?? [];

    for (let i = 0; i < slotsForTheDay.length; i++) {
      const startHour = slotsForTheDay[i].start;
      const endHour = slotsForTheDay[i].end;

      const numOfSlots = ((endHour - startHour) * 60) / slotSizeInMinutes;

      const addMinutes = (date: DateTime, minutes: number) => {
        return DateTime.fromISO(date.toISO()).plus({ minutes: minutes });

      currentDate = currentDate.set({
        hour: startHour,
        minute: 0,
        second: 0,
        millisecond: 0,

      for (let i = 0; i < numOfSlots; i++) {
          ref: currentDate.toISO(),
          startTime: currentDate.toISO(),
          endTime: addMinutes(currentDate, slotSizeInMinutes).toISO(),
          available: true,
        currentDate = addMinutes(currentDate, slotSizeInMinutes);

  return timeSlots;