Why the output of the two writing methods are inconsistent?

The first way to write:

    const LazyMan = function (name) {
      const array = []
      const fn = () => { console.log("Hi! This is " + name + '!'); next() }
      const next = () => {
        const fn = array.shift()
        fn && fn()
        // array.shift() && array.shift()()
      setTimeout(() => { next() }, 0)
      const api = {
        sleep: (number) => {
          array.push(() => {
            setTimeout(() => { console.log('Wake up after ' + number); next() }, number * 1000)
          return api
        eat: (content) => {
          array.push(() => {
            console.log('eat ' + content); next()
          return api
        sleepFirst: (number) => {
          array.unshift(() => {
            setTimeout(() => { console.log('Wake up after ' + 5); next() }, number * 1000)
          return api
      return api
    // Wake up after 5
    // Hi! This is Hank!
    // Wake up after 2
    // eat dinner

The second way to write:

    const LazyMan = function (name) {
      const array = []
      const fn = () => { console.log("Hi! This is " + name + '!'); next() }
      const next = () => {
        const fn = array.shift()
        // fn && fn()
        array.shift() && array.shift()()
      setTimeout(() => { next() }, 0)
      const api = {
        sleep: (number) => {
          array.push(() => {
            setTimeout(() => { console.log('Wake up after ' + number); next() }, number * 1000)
          return api
        eat: (content) => {
          array.push(() => {
            console.log('eat ' + content); next()
          return api
        sleepFirst: (number) => {
          array.unshift(() => {
            setTimeout(() => { console.log('Wake up after ' + number); next() }, number * 1000)
          return api
      return api
    // Wake up after 2

const fn = array.shift() fn && fn();
array.shift() && array.shift()();

The console output results of the first method and the second method are inconsistent, The second method only outputs the result of “Wake up after 2”, which is not what I want,I want to know why?