Is it bad practice to accept setState as a function parameter in React?

Basically, before uploading an image to the firebase, I’m trying to control the input as:

export const controlThumbnail = (selectedThumbnail, setThumbnailError) => {
  if (!selectedThumbnail) {
    setThumbnailError('Please select a thumbnail!');


  if (!selectedThumbnail.type.includes('image')) {
    setThumbnailError('Please select an image!');


  if (selectedThumbnail.size > 1000000) {
    setThumbnailError('Image size must be less than 1MB!');



which I call the above method from /lib/controlThumbnail.js to:

import { controlThumbnail } from '../../lib/controlThumbnail';
const Signup = () => {
  const [userInfo, setUserInfo] = useState({
    name: '',
    email: '',
    password: '',
    thumbnail: null
  const [thumbnailError, setThumbnailError] = useState(null);

  const userInputHandler = (e) => {
    setUserInfo((prevUserInfo) => {
      if ( === 'thumbnail') {
        const thumbnail =[0];
        controlThumbnail(thumbnail, setThumbnailError);

        return { ...prevUserInfo, thumbnail };
      } else {
        return { ...prevUserInfo, []: };

so, this is now works correctly, but I wonder if this is the good way of doing it? Or should I put the control method inside the component and never give setState as parameter?