This is a part of an e-commerce app in which customers can select an order and go to checkout. A group of similar buttons that have a data- attribute, with respective extensions to data-something. I am able to implement this well in JavaScript and Html 5. I want to know how to achieve exactly the same using Angular.
Here I only show a small part of HTML code to maintain simplicity.
<div class="financials oriental">
<div class="pf-icons">
<i class="fab"></i>
<caption class="text-white">
Package Brand & Details.
<th colspan="2">
<h2 class="product-header">Aladdin Basic</h2>
<td><h3 class="table-key text-white">Minimum</h3></td>
<h3 class="table-value min-amount text-white">K 50</h3>
<td><h3 class="table-key even">Maximum</h3></td>
<td><h3 class="table-value even max-amount">Unlimited</h3></td>
<td><h3 class="table-key text-white">Interest</h3></td>
<h3 class="table-value text-white percentage-earning">
100% in 48Hrs.
<button data-plan="aladdin">Select Plan</button>
Below is JavaScript I wish to implement in Angular,
// Select Plan Logic
const planButtons = document.querySelectorAll("button[data-plan]");
planButtons.forEach((button) => {
button.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
const button = e.currentTarget;
const container = button.parentNode;
const grandParent = container.parentNode;
const plan = {
id: button.getAttribute("data-plan"),
containerClassList: container.getAttribute("class"),
// iconClasses: container.querySelector(".fas").getAttribute("class"),
title: container.querySelector(".product-header").innerText,
minAmount: container.querySelector(".min-amount").innerText,
maxAmount: container.querySelector(".max-amount").innerText,
percentageEarning: container.querySelector(".percentage-earning")
localStorage.setItem("plan", JSON.stringify(plan));
const url = window.location.href.split("dashboard", 1)[0];
window.location.href = `${url}plan`;
displayOrder = () => {
const order = localStorage.getItem("plan");
const submitInput = document.getElementById("submittedAmount");
const planInput = document.getElementById("plan");
if (order) {
const packageOrder = JSON.parse(order);
const package = document.querySelector(".financials");
const title = package.querySelector(".product-header"),
icon = package.querySelector(".fas"),
minAmount = package.querySelector(".min-amount"),
maxAmount = package.querySelector(".max-amount"),
percentageEarning = package.querySelector(".percentage-earning"),
duration = package.querySelector(".duration");
package.setAttribute("class", `${packageOrder.containerClassList}`);
icon.setAttribute("class", `${packageOrder.iconClasses}`);
title.innerText = packageOrder.title;
minAmount.innerText = packageOrder.minAmount;
maxAmount.innerText = packageOrder.maxAmount;
percentageEarning.innerText = packageOrder.percentageEarning;
whitenText = () => {
// Make Text White for Package visibility
const dataArr = document.querySelectorAll("h3");
dataArr.forEach((item) => {
if (title.innerText === "PP1") {
planInput.value = "pp1";
submitInput.setAttribute("placeholder", "Enter amount 100");
} else if (title.innerText === "PP2") {
planInput.value = "pp2";
submitInput.setAttribute("placeholder", "Enter amount 200");
} else if (title.innerText === "PP3") {
planInput.value = "pp3";
submitInput.setAttribute("placeholder", "Enter amount 500");
} else if (title.innerText === "SP1") {
planInput.value = "sp1";
submitInput.setAttribute("placeholder", "Enter amount 200");
} else if (title.innerText === "UP1") {
planInput.value = "up1";
submitInput.setAttribute("placeholder", "Enter amount 500");
} else if (title.innerText === "UP2") {
planInput.value = "up2";
submitInput.setAttribute("placeholder", "Enter amount 1000");
} else if (title.innerText === "UP3") {
planInput.value = "up3";
submitInput.setAttribute("placeholder", "Enter amount 2000");
if (urlPath === "/plan") {