I’m using a permutation of @Cmyker’s code (see here) to have text in the center of a doughnut chart, but I’m having trouble getting the date setting I made to break into another line instead of sticking to the same line as the rest of the text. I’ve tried adding /n on the end of the text where I want it to break but that doesn’t seem to be working, any advice on this?
//Date for chart
let today = new Date();
var date = today.getDate()+'/'+(today.getMonth()+1)+'/'+today.getFullYear();
window.onload = function(){
var data = {
labels: [" Akaun 1"," Akaun 2"],
datasets: [{
data: [1300.00, 895.75],
backgroundColor: ["#430092","#36A2EB"],
hoverBackgroundColor: ["#430092","#36A2EB"],
cutout: ["70%"],
//init & config
var chart = new Chart(document.getElementById('myChart'), {
type: 'doughnut',
data: data,
options: {
responsive: true,
legend: { display: false},
labels: { font: {size: 12}}
const centerDoughnutPlugin = {
id: "annotateDoughnutCenter",
beforeDraw: (chart) => {
let width = chart.chartArea.left + chart.chartArea.right;
let height = chart.chartArea.top + chart.chartArea.bottom;
let ctx = chart.ctx;
//Font setting
let fontSize = (height / 250).toFixed(2);
ctx.font = fontSize + "em sans-serif";
ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
ctx.textAlign = "center";
let text = "Balance as of: n" + date;
//Center text
let textX = width / 2;
let textY = height / 2;
console.log("text x: ", textX);
console.log("text y: ", textY);
ctx.fillText(text, textX, textY);
<canvas id="myChart">