Typescript reducer’s switch case typeguard doesn’t work with object spread

I have a reducer that does different actions depending on the action.type, actions payload is different for certain actions.

    export enum ActionType {
      UpdateEntireState = "UPDATE_ENTIRE_STATE",
      UpdateStateItem = "UPDATE_STATE_ITEM"
    type TypeEditData = {
      id: string;
      name: string;
      surname: string;
      age: number;
    export type State = TypeEditData[];
    export type Action = UpdateEntireState | UpdateStateItem;
    type UpdateEntireState = {
      type: ActionType.UpdateEntireState;
      payload: State;
    type UpdateStateItem = {
      type: ActionType.UpdateStateItem;
      payload: { id: string; data: TypeEditData };
    export function reducer(state: State, action: Action): State {
      const { type, payload } = action;
      switch (type) {
        case ActionType.UpdateEntireState: {
          return [...payload];
        case ActionType.UpdateStateItem: {
          const person = state.filter((item) => item.id === payload.id);
          return [...state, ...payload];
        default: {
          throw Error("Wrong type of action!");

This code won’t work, the errors will say that my action payload can be State or { id: string; data: TypeEditData }.
However, if I access the payload property inside switch case using dot notation like so

return [...action.payload];

There won’t be any errors and the type guard will work fine.
How const { type, payload } = action; differs from action.type and action.payload in terms of types and why doesn’t typeguard work with spread syntax?

TS version – 4.3.4