Shoutcast artwork image

I am trying to create a custom artwork image using shoutcast server information and api services, that updates itself automatically about the title and artwork of the current streaming audio/artwork.

I would like to put the artwork on my website in circle 150x150px with blue border of 7px and with small cube 50x50px into cube png/jpg image for radio channel.

I would like visitors to see the current streaming audio information: singer name – song title and artwork from singer.

Shoutcast does have an API but in some case i was using already some php codes and plugins but most of them didn’t recronize the artwork image only some players like luna player recronize all images but in my case i dont need player. I searched around internet and most of the answes for the shoutcast code etc i found on this site.

Also i try to find does anyone asking for the same solution like mine on this site but i didnt found any solution and thats why im asking for help/solution and how can i make that.

I know there are some PHP solution, but since I do not know the language I could not find out their solution how to do that.

Most of the people which i try to get help from other sites like freel**cer they first time listen for shoutcast server, most of them ask me does shoutcast has php asp or zlib extentions, most of them think that shoutcast is some php server.
Thats why i registered here and i hope guys you can help me.

Could please provide some examples or hints about how to get the current track title, artwork, even possibly the artwork image from some api service, and if artimage was not found to be shown by default radio logo?

Im showing example how I would like to make it.

Thanks in advance.