I want to change white color to transparent when the edittext is active.
Please help me.
w.alignChildren = ["fill","fill"];
w.preferredSize = [150, 250];
w.inputBox = w.add('panel', undefined, "Input Box");
w.inputBox.add('statictext{text: "Height: "}');
var heightInput = w.inputBox.add('edittext {characters: 12, active: true}');
w.inputBox.add('statictext{text: "Width: "}');
var widthInput = w.inputBox.add('edittext {characters: 12, active: false}');
w.inputBox.add('statictext{text: "Spine: "}');
var spineInput = w.inputBox.add('edittext {characters: 12, active: false}');
w.inputBox.add('statictext{text: "Joint: "}');
var jointInput = w.inputBox.add('edittext {characters: 12, active: false}');
var okBtn = w.add("button", undefined, "Draw");