JavaScriptt React Issues with passing prop from a function in a child array to a function in the parent

I’m dealing with a problem passing a prop to a parent component from it’s child.

The idea of the code that I’m trying to make work is a set of buttons in a header component that when clicked, load new component pages for other parts of the website. I’m dealing with a couple of smaller bugs that I can fix at another time but the primary issue is when I try to pass the results of the function for handling the switch and the values showing as ‘undefined’ once they get to the App component. I doubt I’m explaining it well so allow me to show the code.

Parent Component (App)

import React from "react";
import Header from "./Components/Header/Header";
import Footer from "./Components/Footer/Footer";
import Pane from "./Components/Pane/Pane";
import MainPane from "./Components/Pane/MainPane";
import BookViewPane from "./Components/Pane/BookViewPane";
import AddBookPane from "./Components/Pane/AddBookPane";
import SignInPane from  "./Components/Pane/SignInPane";
import "./App.css";

const App = ()=>{

    function LoadPaneHandler(props){
        var NewPaneName=props.paneName;

        // const NewPaneName={
        //  name: props.paneName
        // };
        // const NewPaneName=String(props);

            case 'MainPane':
                return <MainPane />
            case 'AddBookPane':
                return <AddBookPane />
            case 'BookViewPane':
                return <BookViewPane />
            case 'SignInPane':
                return <SignInPane />
                return <Pane />

            <Header switchPane={LoadPaneHandler} />
                <LoadPaneHandler paneName="MainPane" />
            <Footer />

export default App;

Child Component (Header)

import React from "react";
import "./Header.css";

const Header=(props)=>{
    var paneName="";

    const switchPaneHandler=event=>{

        <header id="header">
            <div id="header-title">
            <div id="header-buttons">
                <button onClick={paneName="BookViewPane",switchPaneHandler}> View Books</button>
                <button onClick={paneName="AddBookPane",switchPaneHandler}> Add Books </button>
                <button onClick={paneName="SignInPane",switchPaneHandler}> Login</button>

export default Header;

I’ve included the commented out code of other approaches I’ve used to get the data I need for the function to work properly so that you can have an Idea of what I’ve already tried.

The code works fine so long as I only pass values to the function from within the App component. Whenever I click on one of the buttons in the header though, it shows the ‘paneName’ correctly in the ‘switchPaneHandler’ function but then in ‘LoadPaneHandler’ it prints as ‘undefined’.

I’m still quite new to React so it’s likely a very obvious mistake that I’ve made but any help is appreciated all the same. Thanks!