How to force an Iframe to reload its source every time a page is opened?

I tried to find a solution to my problem for a few hours and I can’t seem to find it so here is my problem…

I’m not into coding and I’m a complete noob in making websites so bear with me please, I’m trying

I’m using an iframe generator to display a “moving fluid script” that I uploaded to a directory on my website (it’s displayed at ex: and every time that I open that page that script always starts its thing from the start but when I implement it on a homepage with iframe it doesn’t load every time from the beginning like on the

I’m sorry if I didn’t explain it correctly but I hope someone understands my problem…

Is there a better way to show content from that page to my homepage but that I still have the ability to use Elementor to add some stuff over that “fluid script” or a way to force iframe to always show the script from the start as its seen when I visit
