Why doesnt my HTML load on my browser and how can i fix it?

i am currently working on an eCommerce website and I’ve got the HTML and CSS codes down. Right now, i am currently working on the JavaScript for the add to cart functionality.
i have an array of 48 objects of products.
const products = [
id: 0,
name: “product one”,
price: 3000,
instock: 10,
category: “first”,
“lhjsdbf whaiudehwi hlawbdiw lawdhawiudh IWUEHiawb hjabd”,
imgsrc: “img/jeans.jpg”,
and as a result, the page doesn’t load on my browser. i have also decided to instead make 4 array of products objects but that messes with the add to cart functionality even though the page loads.
merging the 4 arrays into one doesn’t work either. gives the same problems as a single array would.

what can i do?