VSCode multiple versions of custom snippets

I am creating custom javascript snippets in VS Code. I have a snippet that creates a React component class, but using the same prefix, I want to have a slightly different version of the react component class. This is my code:

   "Creates a React component class": {
        "prefix": "rcc",
        "body": [
          "import React from 'react'",
          "class ${1:className} extends React.Component {",
          "    render() {",
          "        return (",
          "            <div>",
          "            </div>",
          "        )",
          "    }",
          "export default ${1:className}"
        "description": "Creates a React component class"

I want to type rcc and have it give me two options, one is default, and the other pastes this code:

   "Creates a React component class": {
        "prefix": "rcc",
        "body": [
          "import React from 'react'",
          "class ${1:className} extends React.Component {",    
          "    render() {",
          "        const runCallback = (cb) => {",
          "            return cb()",
          "         }",
          "        return (",
          "            <div>",
          "            </div>",
          "        )",
          "    }",
          "export default ${1:className}"
        "description": "Creates a React component class"