How can ı do vue 3 compositon api router refresh page

After confirming in vue 3 compositon api


Here, I want my and components to refresh when they come to the IssueList page.

I’m redirecting to the page, but it doesn’t refresh the issuelist page. How can I do that?

The codes on my IssueList page are as follows.

    <div class="card">
      <h5>Konu Listesi</h5>
      <Button label="Yeni Konu Oluştur" class="p-button-success p-button-outlined mb-2" icon="pi pi-plus"
      <TabView ref="tabview1">
        <TabPanel header="Bana Gelenler">
        <TabPanel header="Benim Yazdıklarım">
          <issue-send  ></issue-send>
