jQuery functions not available after compilation

After the compilation of Javascript file with Browserify/Babel (preset-end) or Rollup.js there is not reponse from the script, in the browser. What I want to do is to write a script including node_modules and to transpile it in Javascript browser compatible.

The setup I used with Gulp:

function babel_client() {
    return src('./client/js/Controller_ui.js')
            presets: [
                        "useBuiltIns": "usage",
                        "corejs": "3.10.0"

function rollup_client() {
  return src('./client/js/Controller_ui.js')
      input: './client/js/Controller_ui.js',
            external: ['jquery'],
            output: {
                format: 'iife',
                globals: {
                    jquery: '$'

function lint_client() {
    return src('./client/js/Controller_ui.js')

function browserify_client() {
    return src('./build/Controller_ui.js')
            insertGlobals: true

exports.browserify = series(lint_client, rollup_client, browserify_client);
exports.build = series(lint_client, rollup_client, node_server, browserify_client);

Controller_ui.js file user by rollup_client or babel_client function

'use strict';

//var $ = require('jquery');
import $ from 'jquery';

window.$ = $;


$(window).ready(function () {

the transpile file looks like this

(function ($) {
  'use strict';

  $ = $ && $.hasOwnProperty('default') ? $['default'] : $;

  window.$ = $;


  $(window).ready(function () {


looks good, there seems to be wrapped in a function so the browser will not output the content od the function untless it is called. Also if the jquery plugin is included with browserify, there is still no response from the browser.

What will be the best resolution in this regard, Bower?