Stripe checkout autofill of disable customer name

I’m using stripe checkout. I already collect some userdata and I don’t want customers to fill in their name twice. How can I autofill or disable the name field?

enter image description here

const session = await stripe.checkout.sessions.create({
        customer_email: !customerFound ? : undefined,
        customer: customerFound ? : undefined,
        customer_update: customerFound
          ? {
              address: 'auto',
              name: 'auto',
          : undefined,
        line_items: lineItems,
        client_reference_id: data.userId,
        payment_method_types: ['card', 'bancontact'],
        mode: 'payment',
        success_url: `${domain}/betaling-gelukt?session_id={CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID}`,
        cancel_url: `${domain}/betaling-mislukt`,
        locale: 'nl',
        billing_address_collection: 'auto',
        metadata: {
          reservation: data.reservatieId,