Forms, How do I get my code to only display info has been submitted if all input boxes have values

Hello all I am working on an assignment for my first semester in school and I am trying to get the message “Your information has been submitted to only be displayed if all 3 form inputs have inputs in them. Right now it mostly works but when I click validate after removing last name the message is still there. How do I get the message to disappear if one of the inputs is removed? Also not needed but would love to have a display of @ required for when the input is typed into email. Thanks!


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        Index additional links to other pages: <br>
        Click here to go home:
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    <header class="sBstitle" >
    <h1>Body Building</h1>
<main class="mainContent">
    <h2>What is it?</h2>
    <div class="readableDecor">
    <p>Body building is a division of fitness that involves lifting weights and developing your muscles. The goal of a lot of bodybuilders is to alter their bodies and develop muscle mass to form parts of their body to be more defined or larger.</p>
<img class="stephsImg" width="300px" src="img/womenDoingCrunches.jpeg" alt="Women doing crunches.">
    <div class="readableDecor">
    <p>I got involved with bodybuilding during my journey to lose the initial weight I desired. Specifically, I used to be 210lbs. I did research to see what ways I could live a healthier lifestyle and change my body composition and came accross bodybuilding. I began to watch videos of different workout routines and began incoporating that into my schedule.</p>
<img class="stephsImg" width="300px" src="img/womenOnLat.jpeg" alt="Women on latpulldown machine.">
    <div class="womenWorkingout">
    <div id="benefits" class="readableDecor">
    <p>There are multiple benefits to bodybuilding, while the most obvious answer may seem to be the benefit of muscle definition there are many additional benefits as well.</p>
       <li>Improves Posture</li>
       <li>Better Sleep</li>
       <li>Gaining Bone Density</li>
       <li>Boosts metabilsom</li>
       <li>Improves Strength and Endurance</li>
       <li>Releases endorphins (the bodies "feel good" chemical)</li>
<img class="stephsImg" id="benefitsImg" width="300px" src="img/womenWithBall.jpeg" alt="Women with a medicine ball.">
<h2>Example of a Workout Schedule</h2>
    <div class="readableDecor">
    <table border="3">

            <td>Glute focused</td>
            <td>Back and Bicep focused</td>
            <td>Quad Focused</td>
            <td>Chest and Triceps focused</td>
            <td>Abdominal focus and strectching</td>
            <td>Rest day with a low intensity walk</td>
            <td>Rest day with recovery yoga</td>
    </table >
    <form class="readableDecor id="f1" method="get"> 
        <legend>Sign up for your own <em>Workout Routine</em></legend>
            <div class="stephsTable">

        Email <input class="inputBox" type="email" placeholder="[email protected]"  id="t1"><span class="error" id="t1result"></span>

       <br><br> First Name: <input class="inputBox" type="text" placeholder="Sophie" id="t2"><span class="error" id="t2result"></span>

       <br><br>Last Name: <input class="inputBox" type="text" placeholder="Smith" id="t3"><span class="error" id="t3result"></span>
       <span id="infoValid"></span>

       <br><br><input type="button" id="btn1" value ="Validate" onclick = "validate()">
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        <div class="workingOutPhotos">
            <img class="stephsImg" width="300px" src="img/womenSquatRack.jpeg" alt="Women squatting in squatrack.">
            <img class="stephsImg" width="300px" src="img/manLifting.jpeg" alt="man lifting a bar, working out.">
            <img class="stephsImg" width="300px" src="img/womenWorkingout.jpeg" alt="Women working out with ropes.">
    <footer class="cpRight">
        <h2 class="cpRight">Stephanie Brandon &copy;</h2>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="validationForStephs.js"></script> 


//Function to validate form inputs
function validate(){

    var email = document.getElementById("t1").value;

    var fname = document.getElementById("t2").value;

    var lname = document.getElementById("t3").value;

    var isValid = true;

    if(email ==""){

        document.getElementById("t1result").innerHTML=" Email is required";



    if(fname ==""){

        document.getElementById("t2result").innerHTML=" First Name is required";



    if(lname ==""){

        document.getElementById("t3result").innerHTML=" Last name is required";



            document.getElementById("infoValid").innerHTML="Your information has been submitted";


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