Nest can’t resolve dependencies of the TypeOrmCoreModule


import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { TypeOrmModule } from '@nestjs/typeorm';
import { ContactController } from './contact.controller';
import { Contact } from './contact.entity';
import { ContactRepository } from './contact.repo';
import { ContactService } from './contact.service';

  imports: [
  controllers: [ContactController],
  providers: [ContactService, ContactRepository],
export class ContactModule {}


import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { TypeOrmModule } from '@nestjs/typeorm';
import { getMetadataArgsStorage } from 'typeorm';
import { AppController } from './app.controller';
import { AppService } from './app.service';
import { ContactModule } from './contact/contact.module';

  imports: [
      type: 'sqlite',
      database: 'db',
      entities: getMetadataArgsStorage() =>,
      synchronize: true,
  controllers: [AppController],
  providers: [AppService],
export class AppModule {}

npm new start:dev

Give this kind of error where I try to find possibly every solution on the internet but what mistake I’m doing I don’t know, I got an error like.

nest -v (8.1.6)

ERROR [ExceptionHandler] Nest can't resolve dependencies of the TypeOrmCoreModule (TypeOrmModuleOptions, ?). Please make sure that the argument ModuleRef at index [1] is available in the TypeOrmCoreModule context.

Potential solutions:
- If ModuleRef is a provider, is it part of the current TypeOrmCoreModule?
- If ModuleRef is exported from a separate @Module, is that module imported within TypeOrmCoreModule?
    imports: [ /* the Module containing ModuleRef */ ]