while importing Routes from routes.js nodemon crash is there any new update regarding the importation of Routes from routes.js??
Index.js code
import express from "express";
import Connection from "./database/db.js";
import Routes from "./routes/Route.js";
const app = express();
app.use("/", Routes);
const PORT = 8000;
app.listen(PORT, () =>
console.log(`Server is running successfully on PORT ${PORT}`)
Routes.js code
import express from "express";
import {
} from "../controller/conversation-controller.js";
import { addUser, getUser } from "../controller/user-controller.js";
import { newMessage, getMessage } from "../controller/message-controller.js";
const route = express.Router();
route.post("/add", addUser);
route.get("/users", getUser);
route.post("/conversation/add", newConversation);
route.post("/conversation/get", getConversation);
route.post("/message/add", newMessage);
route.get("/message/get/:id", getMessage);
export default route;