Is there a way to return cell data as a tooltip in Tabulator (v5.0.7)

I want to start by saying that I am by no means an expert in JavaScript, so apologies in advance if I am missing something obvious.

I’m trying to create a custom tooltip for column A. Using the data from another cell as the parameter for the output of column A’s tooltip.

{title: "title", tooltip: function(cell) {return anotherfunction(cell)}...

When passing ‘cell’ through as a parameter, it’s possible to view the information in the rest of the row console.log(cell._cell) but from what I’ve discovered, there’s no way of accessing the rest of the data.

This is a code pen of the issue that I’m having (i’ve commented out the console.log(cell._cell.value) in the example, as this will make the table fail to render. So, looking at the browsers console, it’s possible to see the data that is returned from console.log(cell._cell).

I’ve tried to use Tabulators cell.getData(), cell.getRow(), cell.getColumn() etc (and a load of others) but each results in an error.


If someone could please point me in the right direction for accessing the data in another row from a tooltip function, this would be great. Thank you all, in advance.