What document contentTypes does Chrome render as monospaced HTML?

Some Chrome URLs are just text files that are rendered as monospaced text files.
As an example, this is the Public Suffix List (https://publicsuffix.org/list/public_suffix_list.dat), and looks like this:

Public Suffix List

You can also get to this type of page by going to any raw GitHub user content, like https://raw.githubusercontent.com/github/docs/main/README.md.

This is the HTML wrapper I see for these type of monospaced text documents:

<html data-lt-installed="true">
    <pre style="word-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre-wrap;">
    "Lots of text!"

Some contentType values predictably get rendered in this HTML. image/png does not get rendered this way, but text/css and text/js do. Additionally, application/json also gets rendered in this way, like https://ip-ranges.amazonaws.com/ip-ranges.json.


For which document.contentType values does Chrome render this monospaced text content with this HTML wrapper?