Exclude property in checking empty properties

Below I have a code to check for empty property, it will return true if one property is empty. My question is how do we exclude other property on checking ?

for example I still wanna check for empty property but I dont want or I want to exclude properties like generalRealEstateConcernsorChallenges, majorPositiveAttributes , summary from checking.

So code below will only check empty property except generalRealEstateConcernsorChallenges, majorPositiveAttributes , summary. But I dont want to delete those property.



const hasEmptyProperty = Object.values((this.dealDispositionFormFields)).some((v => v === null || v === ""))

object – this.dealDispositionFormFields

    "dealName": "12743-J",
    "summary": "A",
    "majorPositiveAttributes": "b",
    "generalRealEstateConcernsorChallenges": "c",
    "terminationPayment": 23,
    "effectiveDate": "2021-12-15T00:00:00",
    "brokerCommission": 232,
    "brokerRebate": 23233,
    "isPharmacyRestriction": false,
    "netEffectiveBrokerCommission": -23001,