Global memoizing fetch() to prevent multiple of the same request

I have an SPA and for technical reasons I have different elements potentially firing the same fetch() call pretty much at the same time.[1]

Rather than going insane trying to prevent multiple unrelated elements to orchestrate loading of elements, I am thinking about creating a gloabalFetch() call where:

  • the init argument is serialised (along with the resource parameter) and used as hash
  • when a request is made, it’s queued and its hash is stored
  • when another request comes, and the hash matches (which means it’s in-flight), another request will NOT be made, and it will piggy back from the previous one

async function globalFetch(resource, init) {
  const sigObject = { ...init, resource }
  const sig = JSON.stringify(sigObject)

  // If it's already happening, return that one
  if (globalFetch.inFlight[sig]) {

  // NOTE: I know I don't yet have sig.timeStamp, this is just to show
  // the logic
  if ( - sig.timeStamp < 1000 * 5) {  
    return globalFetch.inFlight[sig]
  } else {
    delete globalFetch.inFlight[sig]

  const ret = globalFetch.inFlight[sig] = fetch(resource, init)
  return ret
globalFetch.inFlight = {}

It’s obviously missing a way to have the requests’ timestamps. Plus, it’s missing a way to delete old requests in batch. Other than that… is this a good way to go about it?

Or, is there something already out there, and I am reinventing the wheel…?

[1] If you are curious, I have several location-aware elements which will reload data independently based on the URL. It’s all nice and decoupled, except that it’s a little… too decoupled. Nested elements (with partially matching URLs) needing the same data potentially end up making the same request at the same time.