Editing a csv file into a customized kml archive

I’m trying to modify a .csv file to get a custom .kml file using javascript (I don’t almost nothing about programming) that displays the flight path of an aircraft with the altitude. I made the editting of the .csv manually (with Excel and others online tools) and I got this result:
Google Earth path view
The .csv look like this (but with much more lines):


To make the .csv I just need the “latitude”, “longitude”, “altitude_meters” and “timestamp” columns.
For these columns to go in the .kml file they need to be edited and arranged in the following format:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2" xmlns:gx="http://www.google.com/kml/ext/2.2">
    <name>AZU4534 10/12/2021 (SBCY-SBAT)</name>
        <name>SBCY Airport</name>
        <name>SBAT Airport</name>
            <gx:coord>-56.117455 -15.651947 0</gx:coord>
            <gx:coord>-56.117249 -15.652027 0</gx:coord>
            <gx:coord>-56.117085 -15.652247 0</gx:coord>
            <gx:coord>-56.116959 -15.652451 0</gx:coord>
            <gx:coord>-56.116814 -15.652748 0</gx:coord>

First part: the data and time
In the .kml file the “timestamp” column must be converted to a readable date (I think that with a math formula I can do that, but I don”t know to make this in javascript) in the following format: the date in yyyy-mm-dd, followed by a “T”, followed by the hour in hh-mm-ss, followed by a “Z”. All of this, in betweeen “<when>” and “</when>“.

Second part: coordinates and altitude
For the coordinates and altitude, it must follow this format: first comes the longitude, followed by a space, followed by the longitude, followed by another space, followed by the altitude. And again, all of this in between “<gx:coord>” and “</gx:coord>“.

So, any tips on how can I don that with javascript?

All I have now is a modification of an existing javascript: The “flightradar24-to-csv” by LuisSevillano (https://github.com/LuisSevillano/flightradar24-to-csv). And I would like to make a modification so that .kml file can be automatically generated.