Restrict results for Google Places autocomplete to allow only addresses with building

I use Google Places Autocomplete to present list of predictions to the user while it’s typing.
My requirement is to allow users to pick only addresses that include building number (street_number in API terms).

The configuration I use is shown below:

let gac = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(
                  (autocomplete), {
                    types: ['address'],
                    componentRestrictions: {'country': ["us"]},
                    fields: ['formatted_address', 'address_components']

With this settings user can pick address that includes only Street name without building part specified.

I can add validation message if user picks address without building number (streen_number of an address_componenst arrey, but I would not like to show such results at all.

I studied the list of Types that I can use to restrict results, but didn’t find any better than “address”.

Can someone help to meet my requirements?