How to get Async code to actually wait for the function to finish executing before continuing [duplicate]

What I’m trying to do

I’m still new to working with asynchronous code, I’m trying to do something basic, but I’m not seeing what’s missing here.

So I have this function that gets all orders from Firestore.

getAllOrders() = async () => {
    var orderArray = []

      .where('status', '==', status) 
      .where('createdAt', '>=', start)
      .where('createdAt', '<=', end)
      .then(snapshot => {              
        snapshot.forEach(docs => {
        console.log(orderArray); //outputs the orders correctly
        return orderArray;
       }).catch(error => {

I want to call getAllOrders to get the orders and output them to the console. I tried the 2 following methods to get the orders to print. Both output undefined.

Method 1

const onSubmit = async () => {
    props.firebase.getAllOrders().then((orders) => {

Method 2

const onSubmit = async () => {
    const orders = await props.firebase.getAllOrders()


The first thing that is outputted is undefined and then the correct order array, so the await is not working. I know I’m missing something to get this to work. What should I change it to make it work?